Monday, January 28, 2008

Ribbit Amphibian

I'm sure by now most of you have heard of Ribbit and their Flex based VOIP service. There is a new article on TechCrunch today talking about their new service, Amphibian. Amphibian in a nutshell, is the “convergence of your personal mobile communications with your personal web experience.” One of it's main features is that it allows you to aggregate all of your different phone numbers into one rich dashboard experience. Another feature I found particularly interesting was the ability to gather a person's "feeds" (flickr, their blog rss, LinkedIn etc...) while your talking to them. Seemed to me like an interesting way to achieve a certain level of collaboration with the caller. The best part for us is that it's still Flash based so the developer community can build additional services and make them available through the Ribbit market space.


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