Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dave Ramsey My TMMO Site Follow-up

After my post about the Dave Ramsey site using Flash/Flex I received a few comments from some of the developers on Dave's team. They pointed out that they are indeed using Flash/Flex and Coldfusion but what I thought was even cooler was the new site. This is the complete Financial Peace University course offered online. The video player is built with Flex and it's pretty slick. Check it out, you can view the first lesson for free on the site.

Great work guys! If you're still watching, I responded to a couple of the other comments over at my TMMO blog.



The Fiji Mermaid said...

Very cool. I really like seeing video and the web coming together like that. At my old job I really loved doing digital video work, but they never really expaned what they wanted to do.

tt said...

haha, what up Brad?

The Fiji Mermaid said...

Hee hee. How goes it TT. If you don't mind I'm going to create a new "Web Development/Design" links section on my blog and I'd like to add your blog.

tt said...
